If you are registered user of Sm_InfoMoto program and you have any doubts, you can describe them by means of reclamation.
Distributor will check it and take a stand. It is necessary to send the reclamation from the same e-mail address that you mentioned
in the order or by license purchasing.
The reclamation, for acceptance by distributor, have to contain following data:
- invoice data: (your actual invoice data)
Personal entities (non entrepreneurs): name and surname, address.
Corporate entities (entrepreneurs): full name of the company, the invoice address, Company
registration number, Tax registration number.
- Identification name (The same name that you mentioned in the order or by license purchasing.),
- Identification code (The same code that you mentioned in the order or by license purchasing.).
Send reclamation as:
personal entity (non entrepreneur)
corporate entity (entrepreneur)
Samples, how the reclamation will look in the e-mail form: (data in the samples are fictive)
Personal entity (non entrepreneur) – Sample:
Invoice data: Jánn Novákk, Jahodová 60, 040 01 Košice, SR
Identification name: JANN NOVAKK
Identification code: 0310118708
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Reclamation text...
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Possible message for distributor
Corporate entity (entrepreneur) – Sample:
Invoice data: Settahoodd, s.r.o., Hronská 9, 811 06 Bratislava, SR
Company registration number: 69317705
Tax registration number: SK69317705
Identification name: SETTAHOODD
Identification code: 1177011107
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Reclamation text...
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Possible message for distributor
There have to be clear from the content of the e-mail that is concerned of reclamation!