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Program history:

Version 4.0 (under development...)

Version 3.3 (04.04.2015)
- program homepage has been changed,
- program e-mail address has been changed,
- other small modifications.

Version 3.2 (18.02.2015)
- improvement of additional tank,
- improvement of summary extracts of vehicles in tree structure,
- improvement of costs calculation for a trip,
- improvement of circuity,
- improvement of tank condition,
- other small modifications.

Version 3.1 (12.02.2014)
- new tool - The last data list,
- new graph of events depending up years and drivers,
- improvement of graph of travels / trips depending up years and drivers,
- improvement of summary extracts of vehicles in tree structure,
- improvement of statistical graph for chosen vehicle,
- improvement of statistical graph for all vehicles,
- improvement of short report on a vehicle,
- improvement of summary extracts of drivers in tree structure,
- improvement of statistical graph for drivers,
- improvement of short report on a driver,
- other small modifications.

Version 3.0 (15.03.2013)
- new tool - An additional tank,
- new tool - Planned changes and inspections (Planned maintenance),
- new tool - Guide,
- it is possible to register gains to individual travels / trips,
- it is possible to register gains to individual events,
- special thanks added to the program,
- new Extra function as a support of the program development,
- other small modifications.

Version 2.5 (04.07.2012)
- new multi-renaming tool,
- it is possible to turn off an automatic check of diary by operating system starting,
- other small modifications.

Version 2.4 (19.08.2011)
- new special archives backups,
- data saved in the program can be generated to HTML files and printed consequently,
- improvement of time interval for statistics,
- it is possible to inactivate drivers and not to count on them in summary statistical extracts and graphs,
- bigger selection of kilometres for calculation of actual fuel consumption,
- improvement of an additional data about a vehicle,
- a calculation of comparison of vehicle purchasing expedience can be saved,
- a calculation of the alcohol level in a body can be saved,
- other small modifications.

Version 2.3 (20.08.2010)
- new summary extracts of drivers in tree structure,
- new short report on a driver,
- new graph of travels / trips depending up years and drivers,
- new summary report on a maintenance,
- new system log of the program,
- improvement of summary extracts of vehicles in tree structure,
- improvement of statistical graph for chosen vehicle,
- improvement of costs calculation for a trip by 1 trip,
- it is possible to create own drinks list in an alcoholmeter,
- it is possible to export summary statistical extracts to HTML as structured,
- new link to shareware information in program menu,
- new link to license intro in program menu,
- a program menu offers list of last opened archives,
- kilometre reading in other changes can be completed automatically,
- kilometre reading in vehicle inspections can be completed automatically,
- costs can be used as proposition for a new inserting,
- oil changes can be used as proposition for a new inserting,
- other changes can be used as proposition for a new inserting vkladanie,
- vehicle inspections can be used as proposition for a new inserting,
- travels / trips can be used as proposition for a new inserting,
- events can be used as proposition for a new inserting,
- it is possible to choose a language in first run of portable version,
- recalculation of some first data in fuel consumption graph according to their average value,
- improvement of Comparison of vehicle purchasing expedience,
- improvement of Legend of the program,
- other small modifications.

Version 2.2 (02.01.2010)
- new tool - Events,
- accessories extended by a Comparison of vehicle purchasing expedience,
- new statistical graph for drivers,
- drivers are separate category,
- costs groups can be adjusted if they are supposed to be included or not in calculating of real price for 1 km,
- each vehicle can have adjusted its individual value for calculating of actual fuel consumption,
- kilometre readings can be completed automatically in travels / trips,
- archive can be exported as Read only,
- new items arrangement in program menu,
- reference to program homepage,
- reference to author webpage,
- shareware information at program starting,
- work improvement with text in a notepad,
- forms modifications for various settings of dpi displaying,
- improvement of program Legend,
- other small modifications.

Version 2.1 (12.06.2009)
- new tool - Travels / Trips,
- statistical graphs can work with time interval,
- graphs can be saved in defined resolution,
- improvement of the detail extracts to individual data,
- improvement of the Heuristic check of archive,
- improvement of the Alcoholmeter - 24 hour cycle,
- fuelling can be searched,
- oil changes can be searched,
- other changes can be searched,
- vehicle inspections can be searched,
- travels / trips can be searched,
- other small modifications.

Version 2.0 (11.02.2009)
- new tool – Vehicle inspections,
- new tool - Circuity,
- improvement of the statistical graph for chosen vehicle,
- improvement of the statistical graph for all vehicles,
- individual graphs can be displayed by years,
- advanced program interface,
- program extracts can be saved as CSV,
- summary statistical extracts can be displayed as structured,
- remarks condition is displayed in main window,
- extension of internal clipboard – oil change, other changes and vehicle inspections,
- extension of basic data about a vehicle,
- costs can be integrated to the groups,
- fuelling data can contain a note,
- oil change can contain a note,
- other changes can contain a note,
- improvement of the program Legend,
- improvement of the Heuristic check of archive,
- date format, font and charset can be changed according to need,
- archive can be managed in any currency,
- archive files are associated with the program,
- other small modifications.

Version 1.4 (13.09.2008)
- new tool - Costs calculation for the trip,
- improvement of the statistical graph for chosen vehicle,
- improvement of the statistical graph for all vehicles,
- improvement of the summary extracts with time interval,
- text justification in the individual text blocks,
- accessories extended by the Alcoholmeter,
- forms modification for various header sizes,
- currency symbol can be portrayed before or behind the numerical value,
- other small modifications.

Version 1.3 (16.06.2008)
- improvement of the statistical graph for chosen vehicle,
- possibility to search the costs,
- advanced program interface,
- advanced tool – Tank condition,
- advanced program menu,
- new informative block - Tip of the day,
- new informative icons and descriptions,
- message boxes in 3 languages,
- other small modifications.

Version 1.2 (25.02.2008)
- improvement of the statistical graph for chosen vehicle,
- some expressions are changed or completed,
- completed the heuristic check of archive,
- other small modifications.

Version 1.1 (22.01.2008)
- new structure of files saving,
- the costs may contain the note,
- the graphs may have the orientation for height or for width,
- improvement of the graph of vehicles comparison in costs,
- new statistical graph for chosen vehicle,
- improvement of the detail extracts of chosen data,
- improvement of the summary extracts of vehicles in the tree structure,
- the start logo contains the number of program version,
- other small modifications.

Version 1.0 (17.09.2007)

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Designed and created by: Gabriel Havrilla
